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What does neurodidactics mean for us?

Shravani Khisti - Neuroscience senior editor

Published: December 01, 2020

The article, “Considering the Role of Neurodidactics in Medical Education as Inspired by Learning Studies and Music Education” details the upcoming changes that could be revolutionary to learning in the medical field. Neurodidactics is the study of the neurobiological basis of learning and teaching and can provide insights into effective teaching strategies in medical education. In essence, it highlights the importance of considering the learner's individual differences in terms of cognitive processing, and how different teaching strategies can impact learning outcomes. They also suggest that incorporating elements of music education, which has long recognized the importance of rhythm and timing in learning, could enhance learning in medical education. Characteristically, they have documented the electroencephalogram (EEG) brain activation patterns in musicians and nonmusicians and noted that musicians have significant left lobe activation.

The authors of the article are calling for a greater integration of neurodidactics in medical education, in order to develop more effective teaching strategies that can help learners retain information and develop critical thinking skills. This means that the Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can be used for learning and education purposes in the future! Medical education with the incorporation of neurodidactics will better equip future healthcare professionals to meet the complex demands of the healthcare landscape. We, as medical students, can develop a deeper understanding of how we learn and how to optimize our own learning. Understanding how to improve ourselves, will ultimately result in improved patient healthcare.


Trenado, C., Pedroarena-Leal, N., & Ruge, D. (2020, December 1). Considering the role of Neurodidactics in medical education as inspired by Learning Studies and music education. Medical science educator. Retrieved April 6, 2023, from

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